
Below you can find a list of my publications, with links to the full papers as well as slides from talks.

Simultaneously Approximating All lp-norms in Correlation Clustering
with: Sami Davies and Benjamin Moseley
ICALP 2024 , arXiv version, slides

Online k-Median with Consistent Clusters
with: Benjamin Moseley and Kirk Pruhs
APPROX 2024 , arXiv version, slides

Scheduling Out-Trees Online to Optimize Maximum Flow
with: Kunal Agrawal, Benjamin Moseley, and Kirk Pruhs
SPAA 2024

The Public University Secretary Problem
with: Benjamin Moseley and Kirk Pruhs
SOSA 2024 , slides

Fast Combinatorial Algorithms for Min Max Correlation Clustering
with: Sami Davies and Benjamin Moseley
ICML 2023, arXiv version

Matroid-Based TSP Rounding for Half-Integral Solutions
with: Anupam Gupta, Euiwoong Lee, Jason Li, Marcin Mucha, and Sherry Sarkar
Math Programming Series B (Link)
IPCO 2022 , slides


In the past, I have worked with Moon Duchin’s Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group, which is a team of Boston-based mathematicians bringing mathematics and computer science methods to bear on redistricting. Here is one fun study that came out of my work with this group:

Locating the Representational Baseline: Republicans in Massachusetts in Election Law Journal.

My dissertation in fulfillment of requirements for the Oxford M.Sc. is an exposition on the Chromatic Number of String Graphs.

My undergraduate senior thesis at Princeton: Limiting Distribution of the Complex Roots of Random Polynomials .